What You Should Know and How To Prevent it

Pigmentation is a natural process due to exposure to UV light, hormones and aging. It can also be caused by acne scars, sunburns and other injuries to the skin. Hyperpigmentation is when there is an overproduction of melanin in the skin. In most cases, it's temporary, but some people do have permanent discolorations on their faces, hands or any other part of the body.

Pigmentation is caused by excess melanin production and the oxidation of melanin in the skin. This can be caused by sun damage, genetics, hormones and inflammation. It can also be caused by acne scarring or laser resurfacing procedures which leave behind a brownish discoloration on the skin (hyperpigmentation).

Pigmentation can also be caused by birthmarks or moles darker than your surrounding skin tone.

The best way to treat pigmentation is by using a combination of treatments such as chemical peels. These professional treatments help remove any damaged tissue from the surface of your skin. Followed by a lightening cream containing active ingredients, these treatments will help prevent further darkening of your pigmented areas.

Sunscreen is a MUST and not negotiable if you are serious about fading and brightening pigmentation or dark spots. UV light from the sun, which is present in summer, winter, hot or old....will darken pigmentation. 

Sunscreen is the BEST tool to treat and prevent pigmentation problems. You have to use it every day over your moisturizer and under your foundation if you wear makeup.

So before you do anything to lighten dark spots and even out your skin tone, find a sunscreen that you love and works for you. 


Essential Skin Care Tips to Follow This Summer


Mother's Day - When you look better, you feel better, and now is a great time to feel better!